Tech debt and the emotional tax of managing it
Gaurav Sharma
October 15, 2024

Tech Debt or Product Management Failure

Tech debt is one of those terms that lacks a strict definition—maybe it doesn’t even have one at all. It really varies depending on the company, the team, and even the individual. However, the general idea remains consistent:

It's all the corners you cut for a quick fix today, which will eventually turn into a massive headache tomorrow.

Think of it like financial debt—you might borrow a little now, but trust me, you’ll be paying it back later, often with interest. Yay, right?

Ward Cunningham, the genius behind Wikipedia, coined the term "tech debt," but back then, it wasn’t exactly a hot topic. Nowadays, it’s tossed around in nearly every tech chat, like confetti at a parade.

💡 Back in the day, tech debt mostly meant bad code. But now, it's much more than that—it covers pretty much every aspect of a project that can go sideways!

But let’s dive into the real meat of it: product management failure. Sometimes, the pressure to deliver can turn product managers into short-term thinkers, slashing deadlines without considering the long-term repercussions. The focus shifts to pushing out the latest features, often neglecting necessary processes like thorough testing or code reviews.

When product management prioritizes speed over quality, it’s the developers who end up picking up the pieces. They might find themselves knee-deep in poorly written code, outdated technologies, and a lack of documentation. The excitement of launching new features gets overshadowed by the constant battle against a growing pile of tech debt.

The reality is that neglecting tech debt can lead to a cycle of frustration and burnout for the team. Developers become stuck fixing yesterday's problems instead of innovating and working on new, exciting projects. The once-vibrant creative environment can quickly devolve into a grind where everyone is just trying to survive the mess that hurried decisions have created.

In this scenario, it’s clear that product management has a huge role to play. When they fail to balance the urgency of getting features out the door with the need for sustainable tech practices, it leads to a culture of shortcuts and quick fixes.

💡 Tech Debt = Code Debt + Architectural Debt + Documentation Debt + Testing Debt + Outdated Technology Debt + Communication Debt + X number of unknown factors.

Types of technical debt:

Deliberate Debt-Startup Tech Debt

This is probably the most conscious form of tech debt. In fast-paced startup environments, speed is everything, and decisions are often made to prioritize quick delivery over long-term stability. This means cutting corners intentionally—whether skipping tests, avoiding documentation, or building minimal solutions that "just work" for now.

The idea behind deliberate tech debt is that you can make those compromises now to get the product out the door and into users' hands, then address the technical gaps later when you have more time, resources, or funding. It’s a calculated risk, and in startup culture, it’s often justified with the rationale that it’s better to move fast and validate your product idea than spend too much time polishing things that might not matter yet.

But here's the catch: when the time comes to pay down that debt, it’s often more expensive than expected
. What was once a "temporary fix" becomes the foundation of the product. When scaling or adding new features, this debt starts to create problems, and that’s where teams have to decide: refactor or keep accumulating more debt?

Accidental Debt or Outdated Design

Unlike deliberate tech debt, accidental or outdated design is more of an unintended consequence of growth. It often happens when the original architecture or code was built under assumptions that no longer apply as the system or product evolves.

Imagine you designed a system a few years ago with a clear set of requirements. At the time, it was the best solution for the problem at hand. However, as the product grows and new features are added, the old design no longer fits. New use cases, changes in technology, or shifts in the business model create friction with the original structure.

This type of debt is sneaky because you don’t realize you’re accumulating it until it starts to cause pain—slower performance, bugs in unexpected places, or difficulties in scaling. It wasn’t anyone’s fault, but the product has outgrown the design. Addressing this debt requires a rethinking of the system’s architecture, but because it happened accidentally, these redesigns can be complex and time-consuming.

Code decay

Code decay is the slow, almost invisible decay of code quality over time. This type of technical debt often occurs when code isn't actively maintained, becomes outdated, or when small issues compound over time, creating a larger problem. It's not a result of any single decision, but rather the cumulative effect of small, unnoticed issues that build up.

Think of code decay as an ongoing process where software becomes harder to work with due to things like inconsistent code patterns, outdated dependencies, or small bugs that pile up over time. The longer a piece of software goes without proper attention, the more difficult it becomes to maintain or extend. In some ways, code decay is the opposite of deliberate tech debt—nobody chose to take on this debt, but neglect, changes in technology, and time allowed it to creep in.

A common sign of code decay is when small, seemingly unrelated changes start to cause widespread problems, and the codebase becomes brittle. It’s often not noticed until the team is dealing with crashes, inexplicable bugs, or long development cycles.

Quantifying the Unquantifiable: How Do You Even Measure Tech Debt?

When it comes to technical debt, there’s no fixed rule or universal formula for measuring it accurately. Unlike traditional debt, which comes with clear metrics and interest rates, tech debt is unquantifiable and subjective. Its measurement often depends on a variety of factors unique to each organization, project, or codebase.  The tricky part is that tech debt doesn't always scream for attention. It creeps up slowly, until one day, your system feels like a Jenga tower ready to collapse.

Several key aspects influence how we perceive and quantify tech debt, and over time, I’ve learned that monitoring these can help you identify problems before they blow up in your face.

Ripple Effect

The Ripple Effect is when a small change you make sends shockwaves through your entire system. You think you're fixing one thing, but suddenly, half your app is breaking. This is one of the most frustrating parts of dealing with tech debt—you never know how far the damage will go until it’s too late.

I’ve been there, thinking, "It’s just a small tweak," only to find out that change broke the login flow, the payment gateway, and the user profile system. What should have been a quick fix turns into a nightmare that takes down unrelated parts of the app. The Ripple Effect helps you see just how dangerous a seemingly small piece of tech debt can be. The deeper it reaches, the worse it is. If a small bug fix breaks multiple things, your debt has a serious ripple effect.

Restoration Cost

Let’s talk dollars and cents, because restoration cost isn’t just about the time developers spend coding—it’s a direct hit to the company’s bottom line. Every hour spent cleaning up tech debt is an hour not spent on building new features, improving user experience, or driving business growth. In some cases, it can feel like throwing good money after bad, especially when the debt has been allowed to fester for too long

During my time at a very fast-paced startup developing a ride-booking app somewhat similar to Uber, we faced immense pressure to roll out features rapidly to capture market share. The competitive landscape demanded frequent updates and new functionalities, so we prioritized speed over thoroughness. In our haste, we neglected proper documentation and took numerous shortcuts, believing we could fix any issues later on.

For months, we managed to launch multiple features, including in-app payment options and ride scheduling, without a hitch. However, about four months into our operation, we began receiving alarming reports from users about incorrect fare calculations and issues with driver assignments. After digging into the issue, we discovered a significant bug in our fare estimation algorithm, which had been poorly integrated due to the shortcuts we took in our coding process.

The root cause was a lack of proper handling for surge pricing during peak hours. Because we hadn’t documented our assumptions/conducted thorough testing, the error propagated through the app, leading to users being charged incorrect fares. This not only frustrated our riders but also affected our drivers, who were left without adequate compensation for their time and effort.

The financial implications of this bug were staggering. Fixing it required us to halt the development of new features and redirect our entire engineering team to resolve the issue. Within a few weeks, the fallout from the bug escalated significantly. We faced a torrent of customer complaints, had to issue refunds, and lost valuable drivers who opted to leave our platform due to dissatisfaction.

In total, the cost of addressing this bug reached around approximately $1.5 million. This figure included not just the developer hours needed to fix the fare calculation logic and patch the app but also the lost revenue from users who abandoned the app out of frustration. The brand damage was palpable, as our reputation suffered a severe blow in a market where trust is crucial.

Maintainability Index

Have you ever worked on a codebase where everything feels fragile and chaotic, making every change feel like you're walking through a minefield? That’s when your Maintainability Index is low. This metric tells you how easy or painful it’s going to be to maintain your code over time.

I’ve seen codebases that should’ve been straightforward to update, but thanks to years of tech debt, even the simplest changes required hours of careful work. One wrong move and you risk breaking multiple dependencies. When your maintainability starts slipping, every change feels risky, and that’s when you know the debt has taken a toll.

This is where teams start to slow down. Every sprint feels like a slog, and tasks that should take an hour stretch into days because the code is so tangled with technical debt.

Technical Obsolescence

The one metric that is easiest to ignore until it’s too late. This is when you’re stuck using outdated technologies or frameworks that are no longer supported. You know you need to upgrade, but it feels like too much work, so you keep putting it off. Then, suddenly, you can’t wait any longer.

I’ve been on teams where we held off upgrading a critical framework for years, thinking we’d get around to it eventually. Then, out of nowhere, we’re facing security vulnerabilities, deprecated libraries, and tools that simply stop working. At that point, you’re not just paying off tech debt—you’re practically rebuilding parts of the system from scratch.

Technical Obsolescence is a silent killer. It accumulates when you’re not paying attention, and when it hits, it hits hard. You’re left scrambling to replace entire systems that have become unusable or, worse, unsafe.

Approach towardsTech Debt

  • Take no action. Sometimes, leaving technical debt as is can be beneficial if it helps meet immediate business goals. However, it’s crucial to be aware of the long-term impact of postponing solutions.
  • Overhaul the entire system. In some cases, legacy systems are too complex for partial fixes, and a complete system replacement becomes necessary. Though this approach can be costly and time-consuming, it may be the most effective solution.
  • Gradual refactoring (commitment to ongoing investment). This approach involves addressing technical debt incrementally during each sprint. While it can be costly, the long-term benefits often outweigh the investment.

💡 How can companies address existing technical debt?
There isn’t a universal solution to managing technical debt. The approach will depend on factors such as the size and age of the system, the company’s business model, and its decision-making processes. Each organization’s situation is unique and requires a customized strategy.

The Emotional toll of managing Tech Debt

Talking about the part of tech debt nobody likes to admit: the emotional baggage.

After spending years in this field, you come to realize that technical debt isn’t just about a messy codebase or slow performance—it’s a much deeper, emotional strain that accumulates quietly over time. If you've been in the industry long enough, you've undoubtedly felt the toll it takes on your motivation, your mental well-being, and, eventually, even your career trajectory. The emotional burden of technical debt isn’t something that's often discussed, but it's one of the most pervasive challenges we face as professionals.

For many of us, technical debt feels like this never-ending cycle of frustration. You fix one issue, then two more crop up. It’s a familiar pattern, one that reminds me of the myth of Sisyphus, endlessly pushing a boulder uphill. At the start of your career, you think, "I’ll fix this. I’ll leave the codebase better than I found it." But over time, you begin to see that it’s not so simple. The weight of unresolved issues grows, and with every quick fix or compromise, you feel a little more disconnected from the craftsmanship you once prided yourself on.

This loss of control over the system is perhaps one of the hardest parts. When you’re new, you believe you can bend the code to your will—after all, we’re problem solvers, right? But as technical debt builds, you start to feel like the system is driving you, not the other way around. And that loss of control breeds a subtle helplessness. The once-clear roadmap becomes a labyrinth of brittle dependencies and hastily written patches, and even the smallest changes can carry the risk of breaking something unexpected. That constant tension wears you down.

Another often-overlooked effect is the hit to job satisfaction. When I started out, there was excitement in building something new, seeing it work, and knowing I had created something valuable. But over the years, as technical debt creeps in, that excitement fades. Instead of working on innovative, impactful features, you find yourself in firefighting mode, constantly patching leaks rather than building. Creativity feels stifled when all your energy is spent managing problems from the past, rather than shaping the future of the product.

I’ve worked on systems that are essentially held together by what feels like duct tape and hope. There’s little pride in that. It’s difficult to feel like you’ve accomplished something meaningful when, deep down, you know the foundation is shaky. And let’s be honest—developers thrive on pride in our work. We want to build things we can point to and say, “I made this, and it’s solid.” But when you're working in a debt-ridden environment, that sense of pride is hard to come by.

The stress is constant, a background hum that follows you even after you leave your desk for the day. You worry that the next big failure could be around the corner, a ticking time bomb buried in layers of outdated code. This isn’t the kind of stress that’s overt or immediate; it’s the slow, creeping kind that erodes your mental bandwidth over time. You're always aware that you're on borrowed time, and that can create a low-grade anxiety that never quite goes away.

What makes it worse is the performance anxiety that comes with it. Much of the work you’re doing in these situations is invisible. Stakeholders don’t see the hours spent stabilizing the system; they only see when something goes wrong. And so, despite all the effort, there’s a gnawing worry that your work isn’t being valued or even understood. The emotional strain of constantly maintaining something while others are celebrated for pushing out flashy new features can lead to a deep sense of underappreciation.

Burnout, in this scenario, feels inevitable. It’s not just the long hours or the difficult problems—it’s the emotional exhaustion of being stuck in the same cycle, dealing with the same problems over and over without a clear path forward. You start to detach. There’s a point where the work stops feeling meaningful and starts feeling like a series of endless tasks that don’t really go anywhere. That’s when burnout truly sets in—not from working too hard, but from working on the same draining issues with no end in sight.

And then there’s the conflict that technical debt brings, not just internally but within the team and with management. Developers know the importance of tackling debt head-on, but there’s always pressure from above to focus on new features. As an experienced developer, you know that without addressing the debt, the system’s long-term viability is at risk. But convincing management of that is another battle altogether. It’s a constant tug-of-war, and that misalignment can breed resentment. You feel undervalued because your work is seen as less important than the shiny new features that get all the attention.

One of the most insidious consequences of technical debt is the way it eats away at your confidence. Even after years of experience, working in a debt-laden system can make you feel like you’re not good enough. You start to doubt your abilities. You see other teams working on modern, well-maintained systems, and you can’t help but feel like you’ve fallen behind. It’s hard not to compare yourself to peers who are working on cutting-edge projects while you’re stuck cleaning up the mess of the past. That’s where imposter syndrome really takes hold.

What’s more, the ethical dilemmas start to weigh on you. As developers, we take pride in doing things the right way—writing clean, maintainable code, and delivering quality work. But when you're forced to cut corners, to pile more debt onto an already fragile system just to meet deadlines, it can feel like you're betraying your own professional standards. You know what should be done, but you're often not given the time or resources to do it. That conflict between wanting to deliver quality and being pressured to move fast can create a sense of moral unease.

Over time, motivation suffers. You reach a point where you stop believing that the system can be fixed. After years of fighting the same battles, you start to accept the dysfunction as a fact of life. You stop trying to improve things because, frankly, it feels like it won’t make a difference. This learned helplessness leads to procrastination—why tackle a daunting, debt-laden feature when you know the problem is bigger than you can fix?

As someone who’s seen the long arc of a career in software development, it’s impossible not to worry about the impact all this has on your professional growth. Constantly working on legacy systems can make you feel like you’re falling behind in a fast-moving industry. While others are honing their skills on the latest technologies, you’re stuck maintaining an outdated system. There’s also the concern that future employers won’t appreciate the complexity of the work you’ve done. Working on debt-ridden systems doesn’t always translate well on a resume, and that can add another layer of anxiety about your career trajectory.

Perhaps the greatest tragedy of technical debt is how it stifles innovation. Working in a fragile system makes you risk-averse. You stop trying new things because you know even small changes could break everything. The cost of failure is too high, and so you play it safe. In doing so, the opportunity for true innovation slips away. The time and energy spent managing debt is time not spent learning, experimenting, and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. It’s a missed opportunity, and in this industry, those opportunities are everything.

So yeah, tech debt isn’t just about bad architecture or messy code—it’s a mental load that slowly chips away at morale. It’s not just the bugs that need fixing; sometimes it’s the mindset that needs a reboot too.

How Culture Builds (or Buries) Tech Debt

A huge chunk of tech debt comes down to team culture and what the organization actually values. <span class="pink">If you’ve got a culture where shipping features fast is worshipped like some kind of holy grail, then congrats—you’re already knee-deep in tech debt</span>.

The way a team works (or doesn’t work) influences how much debt they rack up. Is everyone rushing to meet deadlines without enough time to properly test or document things? Boom—tech debt. And let’s not forget those "hero coders" who crank out code at lightning speed but leave everyone else to figure out the mess later. Yeah, that’s a recipe for debt disaster too.

Then there’s the leadership side. If the bosses prioritize new features over maintenance or refactoring, guess what? You’re stuck maintaining a shaky foundation. No time for proper testing or fixing that one critical bug because "we need to hit the next release!" Suddenly, shortcuts are everywhere, and tech debt piles up quietly in the background. It’s not just poor coding; it’s the whole environment that sets the stage for tech debt to thrive.

It’s like this: if your team treats quality as optional, tech debt isn’t a possibility—it’s a guarantee.

Tech Debt Tales: Insights from the Trenches of Major Companies

Source: Business wire, Study Reveals Majority of IT Leaders Consider Technical Debt...

<span class="pink">Facebook: The Big Switch to Hack and HHVM </span>

  • Type of Tech Debt: Code Debt and Performance Debt
  • Situation: Facebook's initial codebase was primarily in PHP, which led to performance issues as their user base grew exponentially. The team often cut corners by adding features quickly without optimizing existing code, leading to a tangled web of dependencies and poor performance.
  • Impact: To address this, Facebook developed Hack, a programming language that builds on PHP and allows for static typing, along with the HipHop Virtual Machine (HHVM) to execute it. This required significant refactoring of their existing codebase to transition from legacy PHP to Hack, allowing for improved performance and maintainability.

<span class="pink">Netflix: Monolith to Microservices Migration</span>

  • Type of Tech Debt: Architectural Debt
  • Situation: Initially, Netflix operated on a monolithic architecture, which made it challenging to implement new features and scale services efficiently. As user demand increased, the complexity of the monolith led to slower deployment times and frequent outages.
  • Impact: Netflix's transition to a microservices architecture required breaking down their monolith into independently deployable services. This refactoring involved rewriting code and creating APIs for communication between services, which significantly improved scalability and allowed for faster feature releases. However, the migration introduced its own set of challenges, such as increased operational complexity and the need for robust monitoring and management tools.

<span class="pink">Yahoo: Legacy Code and Documentation Issues</span>

  • Type of Tech Debt: Poor Documentation and Legacy Code
  • Situation: Yahoo was plagued by a legacy codebase that relied heavily on outdated technologies, such as early versions of Perl and PHP, without proper documentation. This created a situation where new developers struggled to understand the existing systems, leading to inefficiencies and increased bugs.
  • Impact: The outdated technology made it difficult to implement modern features and integrate with new tools and platforms. Yahoo attempted to address this by gradually rewriting key components of their architecture and investing in documentation efforts, but the pervasive tech debt made significant progress slow and painful.

<span class="pink">Twitter: Database Performance and Scaling Issues</span>

  • Type of Tech Debt: Data Structure Debt and Scaling Debt
  • Situation: Twitter's rapid growth led to performance bottlenecks, particularly with their primary database systems (initially MySQL). As features were added quickly, the database schema became overly complex and inefficient, leading to slow queries and frequent downtime.
  • Impact: To mitigate these issues, Twitter undertook a significant overhaul of their database architecture, including the introduction of sharding to distribute load across multiple database instances. This required rewriting parts of their application to support the new data access patterns and involved significant testing to ensure data consistency and performance.

The Role of Documentation in Tech Debt

In my years of dealing with technical debt, one thing that stands out is how often documentation is overlooked — and the price you pay for that oversight is steep. Lack of proper documentation accelerates tech debt, making it harder to untangle down the road.

When code lacks context, when design decisions aren't recorded, future developers (including your future self) spend more time deciphering "why" than fixing "what."

I've seen projects where tech debt wasn't just the result of poor coding practices but the absence of meaningful documentation. Even the most well-written code becomes a liability if no one understands its purpose or history. Documentation isn’t about writing reams of text no one will read — it’s about ensuring that when changes are needed, the path forward is clear.

In fact, I've found that projects with solid, up-to-date documentation are much more resilient to tech debt. It provides a roadmap for future changes, minimizes guesswork, and helps developers make informed decisions rather than assumptions.


<span class="pink">The Promise and the Reality</span>

In theory, microservices are fantastic. Each service operates independently, allowing for rapid development and scalability. I remember the thrill of being able to choose the best tools for each service, like a kid in a candy store. Want to use Node.js for one service and Python for another? Go for it! But soon, I found myself wrestling with the complexity that came with it.

As the number of services grew, so did the architectural complexity. I began to feel like I was managing a sprawling city, where each service was its own neighborhood. Keeping track of service interactions, dependencies, and data consistency became a full-time job. Rushed deadlines often meant we prioritized quick fixes over long-term solutions, and before I knew it, we were knee-deep in technical debt.

<span class="pink">The Hidden Costs of Complexity</span>

One of the most frustrating aspects of working with microservices is the deployment process. Initially, the idea of deploying services independently seemed liberating. But with multiple services to deploy, the overhead quickly piled up. I remember nights spent troubleshooting deployment issues that arose because one service couldn’t communicate properly with another.

Data management became another headache. Each microservice controlled its own database, leading to data silos that made it hard to get a cohesive view of our data. We often resorted to quick workarounds to keep things moving, but those patches only added to our technical debt. Over time, it felt like we were building a house of cards, one shaky workaround at a time.

Testing and caching strategies also become much more complicated.

<span class="pink">Versioning Nightmares</span>

Let’s not even get started on versioning. With each service evolving independently, the risk of breaking changes loomed large. I’d deploy a new feature for one service, only to have it crash another service that relied on it. It was a constant battle, and I found myself asking, “Why is everything taking so long to fix?” It felt like a never-ending cycle of putting out fires rather than innovating.

<span class="pink">Finding a Way Forward</span>

Despite the challenges, I learned that there are ways to navigate the pitfalls of microservices. Documentation is one’s best friend. Having clear and thorough documentation helped the team understand how services interacted and minimized confusion. It was also crucial for onboarding new developers, allowing them to get up to speed without relying solely on tribal knowledge.

Establishing governance around our microservices was another game-changer. We started defining best practices for service design and deployment strategies, which helped keep everyone on the same page. It was like laying down a solid foundation for a house—without it, the structure was bound to crumble.

Automating testing was a lifesaver. We invested time in creating unit and integration tests that could catch issues early on, reducing the chances of introducing technical debt. I remember feeling a weight lift off my shoulders when we implemented automated testing; it allowed us to push features confidently.

💡 If you're considering breaking up your monolithic application into microservices due to maintenance challenges, it might be worth exploring a modular monolith approach first. This could be a sign that your codebase primarily needs refactoring and improved organization rather than a full microservices migration.

Refactoring a monolithic application is far less complex and resource-intensive than decomposing it into a microservices architecture. The effort required to restructure a monolith into a more maintainable form is often just a fraction of what's needed for a full microservices transition

Tech Debt: A Hidden Business Threat

The graph above illustrates how the cost of fixing technical debt grows exponentially over time, while innovation impact steadily decreases. As technical debt accumulates, the resources required to address it multiply, leading to increased costs. Meanwhile, innovation suffers as teams are forced to focus more on maintaining and patching existing systems rather than creating new features or improving the product. Ultimately, this imbalance can result in significant business losses.

Tech debt might seem like just a technical issue, but the real impact lies in how it drains a business’s financial and operational resources. In the early stages, technical debt goes unnoticed—projects meet deadlines, and the product works well enough to satisfy customers. However, as tech debt grows, so do the costs of fixing it, often exponentially.

At first, it may seem more cost-effective to push new features and meet immediate business goals. But over time, the mounting debt starts to pull resources away from innovation. More time and money are spent on fixing old problems rather than building new capabilities. Teams that once focused on developing new features are now tied up in maintaining a fragile system, slowing down progress.

From a monetary perspective, the longer tech debt is ignored, the more expensive it becomes to resolve.

Development costs increase, productivity dips, and customers may grow frustrated with slower release cycles or subpar performance. In worst-case scenarios, the business may even lose its competitive edge due to a lack of innovation, which ultimately affects revenue and market position.

In short, ignoring tech debt can lead to skyrocketing costs and diminished returns on innovation, threatening long-term profitability.

Tech Debt: may be a hidden competitive advantage

One thing I’ve learned is that technical debt is inevitable. No matter how skilled your team is or how well you plan, it always creeps in, especially when you're working at scale. For years, we’ve been conditioned to think of tech debt as a liability—something to avoid or defer. But with the right approach, technical debt can become a tool for competitive advantage. This is something you realize after spending years balancing the immediate need for speed with the long-term need for stability.

Most teams, especially those under constant delivery pressure, push off dealing with tech debt, thinking they’ll "get to it later." The problem is, "later" often never comes. But here’s what I’ve learned over the years: taking the time to address tech debt isn’t just about avoiding disasters or cleaning up the codebase—it’s about unlocking your team’s potential to innovate and build better products.

When you finally address that backlog of issues, it’s like lifting a weight off the entire team. Suddenly, development is smoother, bugs aren’t popping up unexpectedly, and releases become more predictable. The time and energy you spent firefighting can now be spent on real innovation, without the fear of breaking things with every new feature. It's not about having a big budget or being part of a massive organization; it’s about creating the space for your team to do what they do best.

In one of my past roles, we had a mid-sized team working on a platform that was rapidly growing in complexity. For months, we were under constant pressure to deliver new features, so we kept pushing tech debt down the road. But soon, our velocity dropped, and we found ourselves spending more time fixing issues than moving forward. That’s when we made the decision to focus on cleaning up the debt. It wasn’t an easy choice—it meant sacrificing short-term gains. But the results spoke for themselves: fewer bugs, quicker releases, and a renewed sense of confidence in the system. More importantly, it allowed us to be proactive, not just reactive.

This isn’t just something that happens in large, resource-rich companies. I’ve seen teams of all sizes—from small startups to mid-tier companies—transform their processes by managing their technical debt. It’s not about the size of the company; it’s about the mindset. Addressing tech debt enables you to adapt, experiment, and scale without feeling like you're one bad release away from chaos.

Tech Debt Amnesty: Strategies for Forgiving and Moving Past Unmaintainable Code

<span class="pink">Letting Go of Old Code Without the Guilt</span>

We all know that feeling when you look at your old code and think, “What the heck was I thinking?” But here’s the deal: sometimes, you just need to hit that “delete” button and embrace a little tech debt amnesty.

When to Pull the Plug:
First off, know when it’s time to let go. If your old code is more of a liability than an asset—like if it’s causing more bugs than it’s solving—then it might be time for a funeral. This doesn’t mean you should toss everything that looks sketchy. Look for signs: Is it slow? Are your developers spending more time fixing it than building new features? Is the documentation non-existent, leaving you guessing what each function does? If the answer is yes, then consider this a signal that it’s time to move on.

How to Go About It:
Now, before you go all rogue and delete everything, take a strategic approach. Think of it like spring cleaning. First, assess what you actually need. What pieces of code are essential for the system to function? Make a list, and prioritize what you absolutely can’t live without. Then, document the parts you’re planning to ditch. You want future developers to know why you made the call to abandon that code, right? This way, when someone finds your notes in the future, they’ll understand it wasn’t just a reckless decision—it was a thoughtful choice for the greater good.

Keep the Integrity Intact:
Now, here’s the kicker: you can’t just axe old code without a plan. You’ve got to make sure that what you’re keeping is still solid. Before hitting delete, do a little refactoring and ensure that the core of your system is intact. Test like crazy! Make sure everything still functions smoothly after you’ve cleaned house. You want to avoid that dreaded “breaking everything” moment that makes you question your sanity.

Celebrate the Fresh Start:
Once you’ve successfully let go of that tech debt, take a moment to celebrate. Seriously! Acknowledge the win, whether that’s a team lunch, a funny meme shared on Slack, or simply taking a victory lap around the office (or your living room, if you’re remote). This fresh start will boost morale and create a renewed focus on quality and maintainability going forward.

Letting go of unmaintainable code doesn’t have to feel like a crime; it can be a chance to reinvigorate your codebase and embrace a cleaner, more efficient future.

Communicating Tech Debt: Talking to Non-Techies (Stakeholders) Without Losing Your Mind

Talking about tech debt can feel like trying to explain a meme to your grandma. It’s complicated, often misunderstood, and you end up feeling like you’re speaking a different language. But if you want to get management on board with fixing those messy bits of code, you’ve got to bridge that gap between the techies and the non-techies. Here are some laid-back strategies to make that happen.

Start with the Big Picture:
Forget about diving into lines of code or architectural jargon right off the bat. Instead, begin with the bigger picture. Talk about how tech debt is like that neglected corner of your home—you know, the one you keep saying you’ll clean but never actually get to. Explain that just like that corner can accumulate junk and clutter, tech debt builds up and can eventually create a messy, inefficient environment. Your goal? Help them see that addressing tech debt is an investment in the future—kind of like cleaning out your garage so you can finally park your car inside.

Use Real-Life Examples:
Non-tech folks love stories. So, why not use some relatable analogies? Picture this: you’re on a road trip, and you notice your car is making weird noises. Sure, you can ignore it for now, but that won’t make the problem go away. Eventually, it could leave you stranded on the side of the road. Relate this back to tech debt—ignoring it now might lead to bigger problems down the road, like system outages or lost customers. Paint a picture of what happens when you ignore tech debt, and suddenly, it becomes a tangible threat instead of some abstract concept.

Quantify the Impact:
Numbers speak louder than words. If you can, throw in some metrics. For instance, if your team is spending an extra X amount of hours every week just fixing bugs or patching up old code, let management know how that time could be better spent. Maybe those hours could be channeled into developing new features or improving customer satisfaction instead. When you put it in terms of productivity and potential revenue, you’ll catch their attention.

Involve Them in the Solution:
Instead of just presenting problems, engage management in brainstorming solutions. Invite them to think about how addressing tech debt could align with their goals. For example, if they want to improve customer satisfaction, show them how investing in tech debt reduction could lead to a smoother user experience. This way, they feel included in the conversation, and it doesn’t come off as you just whining about code problems.

Make It Ongoing:
Lastly, make tech debt a regular topic of conversation, not just a one-off meeting. Integrate discussions about tech debt into your regular updates. Share progress on tackling debt and highlight quick wins to keep it fresh in their minds. By doing this, you’re not just raising awareness; you’re cultivating a culture where everyone understands its importance.

Tools that could help you minimize tech debt.

While completely eliminating tech debt may be impossible, we can significantly reduce it using various modern tools. Here are some essential tools that can assist in managing and minimizing tech debt effectively.


  • Purpose: Tool to ensure no 'state drift' when replaying traffic for testing, ensuring consistent system behavior.


  • Purpose: Static code analysis tool that tracks code quality and calculates technical debt ratio.


  • Purpose: Behavioral analysis tool that identifies hotspots in your codebase based on developer activity and code health.

Cast Highlight

  • Purpose: Automated tool providing technical debt scores and architectural health insights.


  • Purpose: Visualizes code metrics related to complexity and coupling, helping to manage maintainability.


  • Purpose: Provides deep code quality and dependency analysis, offering detailed technical debt metrics.

Jira with DebtFlow

  • Purpose: Project management tool integrated with plugins to track and prioritize tech debt.


  • Purpose: Visualizes software architecture to identify and address architectural debt.


  • Purpose: Code review tool with features to flag and track technical debt during reviews.

SilverStripe Platform

  • Purpose: Modular CMS platform designed to prevent debt accumulation in content-heavy applications.


There is no definitive formula for calculating technical debt — and there never will be. Estimating it is not about plugging numbers into an equation; it’s about understanding the trade-offs made at every stage of development.

Over the years, I’ve seen how technical debt can creep up when teams make decisions under pressure or with incomplete information. It's rarely a single person's responsibility; it’s a product of decisions made by the whole team — developers, product managers, and leadership alike. Managing technical debt requires experience, judgment, and a deep understanding of the codebase. It’s not just about "cleaning up later" but recognizing that some debt can be strategic, while other types can cripple progress if left unchecked. In the end, tackling it effectively requires constant vigilance and alignment with long-term goals.


Happy Coding.

Gaurav Sharma
October 15, 2024
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